Monday, July 12, 2010

Field OP Mission 5

Hello Penguins, at exactly 12:00 penguin standard time, I headed straight out to the EPF Command Room. Why? You ask. So I could keep you penguins updated! Anyway, enough chatting, lets get down to business. (LOL)

Field Op Mission 5

1. Go to the EPF Command Room and click the Field-Ops Board.

2. Accept the Field Op.

3. Go to the Forest. (Circled in green)

4. Click the microphone on the country stage,
wait until your EPF phone is blinking green.

5. Click your phone and destroy the circuits.
To destroy the circuits, connect the shapes.

Example: Triangle to triangle.

Tip: Make sure that the shape you clicked is
green before you click the other one.

Tip:You can move your mouse over the
circles to see what the shape is.
But hurry time is running out!

Medal earned. Good job! I hope this helped you. Please come back to this blog, I try to keep it updated as much as possible. -Waddle on!

-Lola 12364 and Emily3678

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