Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rockhopper Tracker!

Hey I am just here to warn you that Rockhopper Trackers are fake! Paintboy101 made a "working" tracker (or at least so he says...) that always tracks where Rockhopper is! Well I am here to tell you that all the Rockhopper Tracker's are fake, they just get your hopes up. Paintboy101 has the most popular fake Rockhopper Tracker, he leads lots of penguins to filling up servers that are not even near Rockhopper!

Good luck finding Rockhopper with out the "Rockhopper Tracker."
-Lola 12364 and Emily3678


  1. hey this is icemonkey again... i'll comment when to get on. sorry!!! lets try and get on around 2 my time (3 hr difference)

  2. okay thats perfect, that means you get on right when i wake up. I am grounded tomorrow so get on wednsday.
